To prepare you for the movements in today's workout, start with the warm-up outlined below.
This is a full-body warmup, focusing on a few specific movement patterns and using a lot of big movements to bring your heart rate up and get your body ready to move.
Review the photos carefully to understand how to perform each movement, focusing on the performance tips and cues.
If you feel like you could use a little more warm-up for a specific exercise in the workout, do a few light or bodyweight warm-up sets before you get started with the main part of the exercise.
Remember that whenever a movement is single-sided, the repetitions are listed in reps per side.
Aerobic movement and full body foam rolling
Spend 3-5 minutes walking at a comfortable yet fast pace. You should be able to easily breathe through your nose or have a conversation while you’re moving. You can replace walking with any other movement that gets your heart pumping, like cycling, rowing, skipping etc.
Optional: If you're comfortable using a foam roller, spend 3-5 minutes using a foam roller or ball to mobilize the main muscles. Be sure to hit both sides of the body, spending extra time on particularly tight areas.
Breathe, Bear Crawl, Deep Squat Breathing, Squat and Get-Up
Follow the instructions for each movement, complete each movement in series.
Then, repeat the series for a total of 3 rounds.
Fetal-Position Breathing
30 seconds

Set-up and movement
Set up by shifting your hips back so your butt touches your heels, then slide your elbows to knees.
Keep your neck neutral, but round your back.
Breathe in through your nose and attempt to expand your abdomen, sides and low back.
Performance points
Keep your elbows on the ground
Expand through your back during the inhale
Exhale your ribs down
Bear Crawl
30-45 seconds

Set-up and movement
Start in an all-fours position.
Move in a reciprocal pattern so that your right arm is moving back as your right leg is moving forward and vice versa.
Performance points
Move from the hips and shoulders without rolling the pelvis from side to side
Staggered-Stance Deep Squat Breathing
30 seconds

Set-up and movement
Stand with your right foot just ahead of the left and lean back on the bar with all your weight on your left heel.
Take a deep breath through your nose, place your left arm behind your back and expand your upper back as much as possible while letting your spine round forward.
Focus on expanding the right side of your rib cage and feeling a good stretch in your right side.
Performance points:
Expand through your upper back on the inhale, keep your shoulders down and exhale your ribs down
Squat to Stand
5 repetitions

Set-up and movement
Begin in a standing position, grip the front of your toes and root your weight through your heels.
Use your arms to pull your hips deep into the squat while keeping your chest high.
Use your arms to pry your knees outward.
While keeping your weight on your heels, straighten your knees and stretch your hamstrings.
Performance points:
Keep your chest up as your hips push back and knees drive outwards
Avoid shifting your weight onto our toes, lifting your heels off the ground or collapsing your knees inward
Bodyweight Get-Up
2 repetitions

Set-up and movement
Set up by laying on the floor, bend one knee and put your weight into that heel.
Turn your opposite side arm out to 45 degrees and shift onto that elbow, keeping your other arm vertical throughout the movement, with your eyes on your hand.
Move from elbow, to your hand, then slide your straight leg though to come to a kneeling position.
"Windshield wiper" your leg underneath to a lunge position.
With your weight on your forward heel and your ribs down, stand up to the top of the lunge.
"Ski" your trailing foot back and reverse the movement to return to the starting position.
Performance points
Maintain tightly braced abs to prevent rotation in your lower back
Keep your shoulder blades packed downward during the push off the ground
At-home workout: Full body
The main variable that you can control here is the weight you use. While the primary goal is movement quality, the secondary goal is to move as much weight as possible while expressing that high-quality movement. So always use as much weight as you can handle without compromising form and track the weights used each week.
A. Breathing, Goblet Squat, Band Row and Floor Press variations
Do 5 breaths of the breathing drill, 8 repetitions of the second movement, 8 repetitions of the third movement, then 8 repetitions of the fourth movement. Repeat this for a total of 4 rounds.
On the fifth (final) round, do 5 breaths of the breathing drill, then do as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP) for the remaining exercises using the same weight as in the previous round.
Rest 30-60 seconds between sets and rounds.
Fetal-Position Breathing
5 breaths, then move to the next exercise

Set-up and movement
Set up by shifting your hips back so your butt touches your heels, then slide your elbows to knees.
Keep your neck neutral, but round your back.
Breathe in through your nose and attempt to expand your abdomen, sides and low back.
Performance points
Keep your elbows on the ground
Expand through your back during the inhale
Exhale your ribs down
Goblet Squat
8 repetitions, then move to the next exercise. Do AMRAP on the final round.

Set-up and movement
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell with a goblet grip.
Engage your abs to pull your ribs downward to help keep your pelvis from tilting/arching too much.
Lower down with your weight in your heels, your feet straight forward and your knees straight over your little toes.
Reverse the movement by driving through heel to midfoot.
Performance points
Keep weight on your heels, chest high, and drive the knees outward
Maintain tightly braced abs
Single-Arm Half-Kneeling Band Row
8 repetitions, then move to the next exercise. Do AMRAP on the final round.

Set-up and movement
Step into a kneeling lunge, so that both knees are at 90 degrees.
Hold a secured band in one hand, at chest height.
Keep your ribs down, abs tight and tailbone tucked between your knees.
Pull the band back, finishing with your shoulder blade locked inward and down.
Prevent your shoulder from shifting forward at the finish of the movement.
Performance points
Keep your forward shin, torso, and trailing thigh are vertical (or slightly extended) to stretch the hip
Keep your abs braced, ribs down, and hips and shoulders square to prevent rotation / arching
Single-Arm Dumbbell Floor Press
8 repetitions, then move back to the first exercise. Do AMRAP on the final round.

Set-up and movement
Set up laying on the floor with knees bent, feet rooted into the floor and your lower back neutral, holding one dumbbell.
Using one hand, press the weight upwards.
Keep your shoulder blades packed tightly together and down at the bottom of each rep.
Only lower as far as you can without popping your shoulder forward or losing stability, then press back up.
Performance points
Keep your feet rooted into the floor
Drive your upper back into the floor and squeeze shoulder blades strongly downward towards your back pockets
Keep your elbow about about 45 degrees to your body
B. Bowler Squat, Pallof Press Iso and Band Pull-Apart variations
In order, do 5 repetitions of the first movement, 20 seconds of the second movement, then 8 repetitions of the third movement. Repeat this for 3 rounds.
Rest minimally, 30 seconds or less between exercises and rounds.
Bowler Squat
5 repetitions, then move to the next exercise

Set-up and movement
Begin with your weight rooted through your heel, your ribs down and have a slight bend in your knee.
Hinge forward at the hips by pushing your hips back until you feel a light stretch in your hamstring.
Keep your hips level - do not roll them open.
At the bottom, reach across the centerline of your body towards the toes on your opposite foot.
Return without arching your back or flaring your ribs out.
Performance points
Keep weight on your heels and hips flat
Avoid rolling your pelvis to the side
Avoid allowing your knee to collapse inward
Tall-Kneeling Pallof Press Iso With Band
20 seconds, then move to the next exercise

Set-up and movement
Set up in a kneeling position, holding band close to your chest, knees to the side to create tension in the band.
Lock your ribs down in an exhaled position with your abs.
Press your hands outward without letting your hips rotate, your ribs flare out or arching your lower back.
Hold and maintain the position before switching to the other side.
Performance points
Keep your chest up and ribs down
Brace your glutes and abs to prevent any spinal movement
Move only from the arms to maintain the position
Band Pull-Apart
8 repetitions, then move back to the first exercise

Set-up and movement
Lift your arms to shoulder height, holding a band in both hands. Start with some tension in the band.
Let your shoulder blades spread apart with your hands in front of your body.
Finish the repetition by squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull the band apart.
Return to the starting position.
Performance points
Keep your chest high, abs braced, and avoid arching the lower back
Keep your shoulder blades pulled downward away from your ears throughout the movement.
C. Breathing Drill variation
Do 8 deep, slow breaths of the breathing drill. Repeat this for 2 rounds.
Rest minimally, 30 seconds or less between rounds.
Staggered-Stance Deep Squat Breathing
8 breaths, then rest and repeat

Set-up and movement
Stand with your right foot just ahead of the left and lean back on the bar with all your weight on your left heel.
Take a deep breath through your nose, place your left arm behind your back and expand your upper back as much as possible while letting your spine round forward.
Focus on expanding the right side of your rib cage and feeling a good stretch in your right side.
Performance points:
Expand through your upper back on the inhale, keep your shoulders down and exhale your ribs down