Last weekend I was in Antwerp celebrating my partner's birthday and amongst lots of cultural and fun stuff we were up to, we ended up visiting Divers juice bar. It was a lovely experience as regards to the friendly service and definitely for all the amazing healthy options. We couldn't help and we certainly over ate but healthily... :-)) We bought even the recipe book called "Your healthy fix" which was written by Esther Andries (The owner and a healthy food lover).

I am writing about this place with no intention to do publicity to this juice bar but to make a point that even if you are away, you can still make right choices and ultimately eat healthy. It is all about your choices and to divert from the distractions of fast food around us all the time.
As a health coach with nutrition science background, I am always analyzing the composition and combinations in a meal. The power of food and ingredients synergism amazes me daily and that is always my mission to teach people how to empower their health through nourishing the body with real food.
I must confess that I got inspired with Esther's book and I am taking up a challenge for myself and also to my beloved one. The challenge is for the coming 4 weeks, I will use her recipes as inspiration for my own nutritional needs by adapting the recipes a bit here and there which will make them even more POWER FOOD. And of course I will be sharing it with you on social media and emails. (PS: Sign up for my mail list if you haven't yet).
Keep tuned.
With a warm regards,
ADS Vitality