“Gut health” describes the function and balance of bacteria of the many parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, organs such as the esophagus, stomach and intestines all work together to allow us to eat and digest food without discomfort.

Why should I care about my gut health?
You should care about our gut health because it’s the core of your health. It’s where nutrients are getting absorbed, where our protection system works and where many hormones and chemicals originate. Poor gut health is the cause of many health issues such as depression, anxiety, allergies, hormone imbalances and skin problems etc
Since seventy percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, poor gut health affects not only your gut but every organ in your body. It can affect the pancreas and result in blood sugar imbalances. It can affect the functioning of the liver, which is responsible for detoxifying your body. It can lead to malabsorption, poor nutrient assimilation, and reduced bile flow (key for breaking down fats and proteins). It can also cause intestinal dysbiosis, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial over- growth), and many other issues like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Colitis, Crohn's, leaky gut, etc.
How do I know that I have an unhealthy gut?
There are many ways to spot an unhealthy gut - from digestive upset along the tract, to acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, smelly stools, constipation, diarrhea, and/or stomach cramps. Also if you are always feeling low on energy, you lose concentration/focus easily, you’re not able to sleep properly and also experience anxiety as well.
How do I get a healthy gut?
I get this question a lot and it’s a lot easier than we think. You can get a healthy gut by adding healing foods to restore and nourish your gut. Eating nutrient-rich foods is the most effective way to feed and heal your gut. You should also remove triggering and inflammatory foods from your diet such as caffeine, gluten, dairy and grains. Of course there are some exceptions here but this varies for individuals.
How do I get a healthy gut?
I call these foods “Gut loving Food”. My number one recommendation is Bone broth. It is rich in collagen, minerals and gelatin components that are key nutrients in rebuilding the gut and gut lining. It is so medicinal when it comes to gut restoration and repair. The gelatin in the bone broth also supports your joints and skin health..Not to mention the high concentration of important minerals.
What lifestyle habits promote a healthy gut?
Stress reduction activities
Daily exercises (low intensity)
Lots of water
Breathing exercises
Enough sleep
What are probiotics? What do I need to know about them?
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you. You can get them through your food or in supplements. You should aim to get probiotics from fermented foods. In supplement form, there are plenty of types of probiotics that are aimed for different health conditions. When choosing a probiotic, make sure it has at least eight billion live cultures. Personally, I prefer at least 10 to 50 billion, depending on how severe your dysbiosis (impaired microbiota) is (and if you’re not sure, contact me so we can run a comprehensive stool test to find out). You also want it to have at least two different strains of bacteria.
What is the relationship between exercises and my gut health.
Moving your body will support healthy serotonin levels, this is the key to feeling good on a daily basis. Not to mention other hormones and neurotransmitters which production in the gut is triggered when we exercise, such as cortisol, insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and HGH hormone.
Healthy regards, Adriano dos Santos